Re: Looking for this old database system - old windows?

From: Volker Hetzer <>
Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2006 20:57:16 +0100
Message-ID: <eka76s$n35$>

jodleren schrieb:
> Hi all!
> Kind of odd question - if you like puzzles then read on.
> I have been working with a number of databases in my life, but nothing
> come close to this one.
> The point is I dont recall the name.
> It was probably old,
When did you run across it?
What does "old" in your context mean?

> it has triggers but no such thing as autonumbers.
> I dont remember whether it has keys.
> What I remember is that for triggers, there was a basic like scripting
> language, which had one paticular feature - if's and endif's were
> defined by the number of spaces in front. E.g.
> if 1=1
> this is true
> else
> this is not true I
> this is not true II
> we are back (after if)
> idea: anything after the if, which had a higher identitation (number of
> spaces) goes under the if or else. When we reach the same (or less)
> spaces as for the line with if, then it is also read as "endif".
> Can anyone tell me what this system was?
The language sound like occam, something for parallel work I learned back in '94 when learning transputers.
Oh god, UKC at that time! We were young! (a tear)


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