Re: Why all the max length constraints?

From: Keith H Duggar <>
Date: 29 May 2006 12:23:30 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Alvin Ryder wrote:

[snip a (for me THE) great initial answer]

Wow, I wish I had read Alvin's initial answer before I got inolved in that damn VI tussle. I would have referred the OP to parts of your answer several times by now. Much more concise than anything I said.

Thank you Alvin!

The fact that the OP did not respond to (indeed has basically completely ignored) this post with the equivalent of "Gee thanks! That completely answers my question. Now I can move along with life" is, it seems, conclusive proof that (as BB has warned many times) the OP is a VI troll with a BIG rusty troll axe to grind.

  • Keith --
Received on Mon May 29 2006 - 21:23:30 CEST

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