Re: Ping: dawn, some mvl questions

From: Keith H Duggar <>
Date: 24 May 2006 19:58:52 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Keith H Duggar wrote:
> And isn't this a physical or implementation issue as
> opposed to a logical issue?

mAsterdam wrote:
> (The second "this" referred to "/using/ or
> /manipulation/ of a list representation".)

Ah, oops, I see my words were ambiguous (as natural language so often can be). With "this" I was actually referring to

mAsterdam wrote:
> The drawback would be that the preservation of the
> listness is not garantueed. Whithout additional
> constraints there is no stopping anyone from inserting
> nodes which make the described graph more complex.

In other words, isn't preservation of "listness" a physical or implementation issue? When I wrote using and manipulation (a vague sentence I should have left out I guess) I had in mind the /physical/ manipulation of the data. Not an abstract set of operations or algebra defined for them.

  • Keith --
Received on Thu May 25 2006 - 04:58:52 CEST

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