Re: open source PostgreSQL not supportable? (Was: Challenging SQL Query Problem. Can you solve it?)

From: Todd <>
Date: 4 Jan 2006 16:43:07 -0800
Message-ID: <> wrote:
> jpd wrote:
> >It apparently figured out how to remove old postings from dejagoogle, as
> >all I get is ``Message not found.''
> Aw, too bad no one quoted it, it was the one where he "admitted" the
> burned girl was his own self.
> But there are others that he can't remove the quotes for, advanced
> google search in alt.circumcision for the words Karen Hill (not
> author). Warning, it's as disgusting as you'd imagine.
> jg
> --
> is bogus.
> Tell us your vision! Tell a vision! Tell a vision! Tell a vision!

As much fun as everybody has seemed to have in this discussion, I guess I'm compelled to throw a punch or two. Hire a Cisco technician the next time you have something to talk about. Okay, okay, I got something better: how about a Baan expert, or SAP. Oh, need to "step it up a level", alright, how about an MS SQL server expert (nothing against you guys, but there's a tiny piece of me that thinks you may be a bit over-payed). This silly conversation reminds me of many others. They seem to have a logical conclusion though.

  1. People stick with what they know
  2. Unfortunately, people usually stick with what gives them money.
  3. People, for the most part, tend to be selfish.
  4. Well, I guess that means, therefore, most people tend to do what makes them some cash.
  5. Everybody throws around words about the first 4, be vindictive, and go home in the end; and, as it turns out in the newsgroup, neither victorious, and neither with a tail between their legs.

That would probably be a 5th graders analysis of it. Need i say more?

Todd Received on Thu Jan 05 2006 - 01:43:07 CET

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