Re: Modelling objects with variable number of properties in an RDBMS

From: <>
Date: 29 Oct 2005 20:04:11 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Hi, only just arrived at the group and still have an immense amount to learn theory wise, but I've already had very useful responses to my questions and hopefully I can return some of that. The first thing I've realised is to take a step back and consider what I'm modeling. In your case I think you want to describe individual instances of a widget say, and so you need some value to reference it. If there is no suitable label available to you, then utilise a surrogate key to represent the item. Next focus on the initial predicate - well all the items are going to be a certain type of widget so that seems a good place to start.

"There is a widget with widget_id (w) that is of widget_type (t)" seems an appropriate predicate, so that can make up the first relation. From then on the rest of your analysis seems fine, and so I think the result would be something like:


widget_id | widget_type
1         | sprocket
2         | sprocket
3         | cog
4         | cog
5         | hammer
6         | thingamajig



qual_id | qual_name
1       | red
2       | blue
3       | green
4       | smooth
5       | crunchy
6       | sharp



widget | qualifier
1      | 1
2      | 3
2      | 5
3      | 2
3      | 6


Then by referencing widget_id 2 say, and making a coupla joins you could return the information that it is a "green crunchy sprocket", but widget_id 1 is a "red sprocket". Hope this is the sort of thing that you were aiming for.

All best, Jason. Received on Sun Oct 30 2005 - 04:04:11 CET

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