Re: Modeling Address using Relational Theory

From: dawn <>
Date: 9 Sep 2005 05:20:41 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Mike wrote:
> On 8 Sep 2005 16:38:15 -0700, "dawn" <> wrote:
> [snip]
> >> >Perhaps I can get that started -- an address is an identifier for a
> >> >location
> >>
> >> Every address?
> >
> >The types of addresses that I'm talking about are, right?
> [snip]
> If you're trying to pick up my trash, my address might help you. But
> not if my address is a post office box, and not if I'm stationed
> aboard the Nimitz. "Location" has to do with how *some* addresses are
> used, not with what addresses *are*.
> Care to try again?

I'd rather see what your conceptual model is.

I still think that the address I'm trying to model is an id for a location. Sometimes the location is that of a PO Box, sometimes a building, but a location none-the-less. I would like to know what you think it is, however. Thanks. --dawn

> --
> Mike Sherrill
Received on Fri Sep 09 2005 - 14:20:41 CEST

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