Re: Displaying items in a table according to the earliest date found in a column

From: Hugo Kornelis <hugo_at_pe_NO_rFact.in_SPAM_fo>
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2005 17:29:28 +0100
Message-ID: <>

On 21 Jan 2005 08:07:01 -0800, wrote:

>Hello again
>I am trying to develop an SQL query that turns this table...
>item_id item_title location_id location dueback
>476 Abfab 2 Dubai 01/04/05
>476 Abfab 6 London 23/07/05
>476 Abfab 6 London 17/08/05
>476 Abfab 6 London 20/08/05
>476 Abfab 3 Paris 12/05/05
>Into this (where each location is shown but only with the row
>that has earliest 'dueback' date) ...
>item_id item_title location_id location dueback
>476 Abfab 2 Dubai 01/04/05
>476 Abfab 6 London 23/07/05
>476 Abfab 3 Paris 12/05/05

Hi Nathan,

SELECT item_id, item_title, location_id, location, MIN(dueback) FROM thistable
GROUP BY item_id, item_title, location_id, location

By the way: if the above is the actual content of one table, I suggest you to pick up a good book about database design and normalization first. Disregard this remark if it's the output of a query.

Best, Hugo


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Received on Fri Jan 21 2005 - 17:29:28 CET

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