Re: Contextual or Latent Semantic Analysis

From: Neo <>
Date: 18 Jan 2005 19:14:10 -0800
Message-ID: <>

>From the blog, I was interested by the following statement "... are best served by a MultiValue database schema.... A small example would be the following nodes (doc1, writer, compiler, programmer; doc2, writer, editor, publisher)". Could you explain further? What are you trying to do once that data is in the db. Following script models the above data with a small experimental db:

// Create items in directory to classify things
(CREATE *doc .item ~in = dir)
(CREATE *writer .item ~in = dir)
(CREATE *compiler .item ~in = dir)
(CREATE *programmer .item ~in = dir)
(CREATE *editor .item ~in = dir)
(CREATE *publisher .item ~in = dir)
(CREATE *person .item ~in = dir)

// Create persons
(CREATE *john .cls = person)
(CREATE *mary .cls = person)
(CREATE *bob .cls = person)
(CREATE *joe .cls = person)
(CREATE *jim .cls = person)
(CREATE *jack .cls = person)

// Create doc1
(CREATE *doc1 .cls = doc)
(CREATE doc1 .writer = john)
(CREATE doc1 .compiler = mary)
(CREATE doc1 .programmer = bob)

// Create doc2
(CREATE *doc2 .cls = doc)
(CREATE doc2 .writer = joe)
(CREATE doc2 .editor = jim)
(CREATE doc2 .publisher = jack)

// Find doc whose publisher is jack.
// Finds doc2.
(SELECT %.cls=doc & %.publisher=jack)
Received on Wed Jan 19 2005 - 04:14:10 CET

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