Re: Foreign key in Oracle Sql

From: -CELKO- <>
Date: 13 Jan 2005 08:03:34 -0800
Message-ID: <>

>> On the other side one should acknowledge that not a single major
player in the RDBMS marketplace has actually followed the ANSI Committee's recommendations. They take what they want and ignore what they don't. <<

Ever hear of FIPS-127 Conformance testing? When that was in place, conformance SQL-92 the direction for all of the vendors in ANSI X3H2. Then Clinton closed down the program in exchange for a campaign contribution from a private testing lab and we started to get drift. Mike Gorman did some articles on this that you can find at his Whitemarsh Consulting site.

Oracle and IBM pushed the OLAP stuff in SQL-99 together, so that is showing up in many other products. The definitions favor contigous sequential storage models, but are not procedrually defined as such.

You might want to look at Yukon, Teradata, CA-Ingres, Pervasive, DB2 and several other smaller players -- all of them do a good job with the SQL-92 specs and lots of the SQL-99 features. In fact, SQL is probably one of the most portable languages for having so many implementations on so many platforms. You can even find SQL dialect translators for porting your projects.

Oracle is the worst dialect among the big engines, but it is getting better. Maybe they will even have the right data types someday! MySQL, and the other "micro-SQL" open source products are really file systems with a fancy front end, so I don't count them at all. Received on Thu Jan 13 2005 - 17:03:34 CET

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