Re: database design question

From: gkelly <>
Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2005 16:55:03 -0700
Message-ID: <crkj4p$ujd$>

There are no real requirements for this database. They are simply happy to have whatever is provided.
It would be easy to keep a log of changes; however, I am unsure of a more fundemental issue.

I know this next statement is riddled with problems but, just for fun, consider this:

You track changes yes, but at the end of each day or week or whatever you compare the current record with the last snapshot of the record which would simple be an xml based representation of the record. If the current record differs from the snapshot then you create a new snapshot.

you could have a table like:


   id int
   dts datetime
   TableName ...
   TableID int

   xml clob                 -- this field would hold the xml snapshot of the 

I know this leaves my initial question concerning normalization somewhat, but is still related.

"Impulsive" <> wrote in message
> Do you need to track all and every change to the tables? Then I would
> go with logs. If no - are your needs restricted to tracking address
> changes?
Received on Fri Jan 07 2005 - 00:55:03 CET

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