Re: 4NF and 5NF

From: Mike MacSween <>
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2005 14:39:52 -0000
Message-ID: <41dbfc88$0$33164$>

Thanks Joe

I'll keep studying and try to get it.

But let's say that I don't want to and just want to know that the table is in 5NF. Is there a rule of thumb? Yes, rubbish isn't it, but just go with me. Like you know somethings in BCNF if it's in 3NF and it's only got single column keys, yes? Is there an easy to remember one for 5NF?

And is that table 'all key'?

I'll investigate DKNF and ORM.

Cheers, Mike

"-CELKO-" <> wrote in message
> Fourth Normal Form (4NF) makes use of multi-valued dependencies. The
> problem it solves is that the table has too many of them. For example,
> consider a table of departments, their projects, and the parts they
> stock. The MVD's in the table would be:
> department ->> projects
> department ->> parts
> Assume that department d1 works on jobs j1, and j2 with parts p1 and
> p2; that department d2 works on jobs j3, j4, and j5 with parts p2 and
> p4; and that department d3 works on job j2 only with parts p5 and p6.
> The table would look like this:
> department job part
> =============
> d1 j1 p1
> d1 j1 p2
> d1 j2 p1
> d1 j2 p2
> d2 j3 p2
> d2 j3 p4
> d2 j4 p2
> d2 j4 p4
> d2 j5 p2
> d2 j5 p4
> d3 j2 p5
> d3 j2 p6
> If you want to add a part to a department, you must create more than
> one new row.
> Likewise, to remove a part or a job from a row can destroy information.
> Updating a part or job name will also require multiple rows to be
> changed.
> The solution is to split this table into two tables, one with
> (department, projects) in it and one with (department, parts) in it.
> The definition of 4NF is that we have no more than one MVD in a table.
> If a table is in 4NF, it is also in BCNF.
> Fifth Normal Form (5NF), also called the Join-Projection Normal Form or
> the Projection-Join Normal Form, is based on the idea of a lossless
> JOIN or the lack of a join-projection anomaly. This problem occurs
> when you have an n-way relationship, where n > 2. A quick check for
> 5NF is to see if the table is in 3NF and all the candidate keys are
> single columns.
> As an example of the problems solved by 5NF, consider a table of house
> notes that records the buyer, the seller, and the lender:
> HouseNotes
> buyer seller lender
> ==================================
> Smith Jones National Bank
> Smith Wilson Home Bank
> Nelson Jones Home Bank
> This table is a three-way relationship, but because many CASE tools
> allow only binary relationships it might have to be expressed in an E-R
> diagram as three binary relationships, which would generate CREATE
> TABLE statements leading to these tables:
> BuyerLender
> buyer lender
> =============================
> Smith National Bank
> Smith Home Bank
> Nelson Home Bank
> SellerLender
> seller lender
> =======================
> Jones National Bank
> Wilson Home Bank
> Jones Home Bank
> BuyerSeller
> buyer seller
> ================
> Smith Jones
> Smith Wilson
> Nelson Jones
> The trouble is that when you try to assemble the original information
> by joining pairs of these three tables together, thus:
> SELECT BS.buyer, SL.seller, BL.lender
> FROM BuyerLender AS BL,
> SellerLender AS SL,
> BuyerSeller AS BS
> WHERE BL.buyer = BS.buyer
> AND BL.lender = SL.lender
> AND SL.seller = BS.seller;
> you will recreate all the valid rows in the original table, such as
> ('Smith', 'Jones', 'National Bank'), but there will also be false rows,
> such as ('Smith', 'Jones', 'Home Bank'), which were not part of the
> original table. This is called a join-projection anomaly.
> There are also strong JPNF and overstrong JPNF, which make use of JOIN
> dependencies (JD for short). Unfortunately, there is no systematic way
> to find a JPNF or 4NF schema, because the problem is known to be NP
> complete.
> As an aside, Third Normal Form is very popular with CASE tools and most
> of them can generate a schema where all of the tables are in 3NF. They
> obtain the FDs from an E-R (entity-relationship) diagram or from a
> statistical analysis of the existing data, then put them together into
> tables and check for normal forms.
> The bad news is that it is often possible to derive more than one 3NF
> schema from a set of FDs. Most of CASE tools that produce an E-R
> diagram will find only one of them, and go no further. However, an ORM
> (Object Role Model) tool properly, the schema will be in 5NF. I
> suggest strongly that you get any of the books by Terry Halpin on this
> technique.
> Ronald Fagin defined Domain/Key Normal Form (DKNF) in 1981 as a schema
> having all of the domain constraints and functional dependencies
> enforced. There is not yet a general algorithm that will always
> generate the DKNF solution given a set of constraints. We can,
> however, determine DKNF in many special cases and it is a good guide to
> writing DDL in the real world.
> You also need to look up articles by Tom Johnston on non-normal form
> redundancy problems.
Received on Wed Jan 05 2005 - 15:39:52 CET

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