Re: Demo: Modelling Cost of Travel Paths Between Towns

From: Neo <>
Date: 21 Nov 2004 10:42:05 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Alan: The second Martian has yet to be introduced into the scenario, but let's introduce him now. We don't know this Martian's name either, so he is called Neosense2. Why you would assume the next one would also be assigned Neosense1 is beyond sensible thinking., and demonstrates that you have no idea how the relational model works.

Neo: Can I assume from above that each new martian without a name would be named "Neosense#" where # is incremented each time. And that "Neosense#" is known by system user and programmer to mean unknown, thus

If ( == "Neosense1"

    OR == "Neosense2"

    OR                        ...){

  // is unknown

What does RMDM do when he meets a martian whose actual name is "Neosense1" or even "unknown"?

> > Alan: INSERT INTO test VALUES(whatever they are, but name='Neotest1',
> > age='-1')
> >
> > Neo: Which RM Db handles "whatever they are"?
> "Whatever they are" is just shorthand instead of typing out the various
> values.

And the various values are? I am asking because I want to know your initial RM schema and query. Received on Sun Nov 21 2004 - 19:42:05 CET

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