Re: Argument for 1NF by counter-example

From: Marshall Spight <>
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004 13:15:31 GMT
Message-ID: <T5sfd.317965$D%.58185_at_attbi_s51>

"Tony Douglas" <> wrote in message
> (Side note: why does the IT industry still pursue fads and trends like
> an idiot dog chasing after cars, with boundless energy, no reflection
> and the high likelihood of disaster ?)

It is because the IT industry continues to be staffed by humans. Sadly, human are easily distracted by shiny things. Another reason: we die. If we didn't have new people coming up through the ranks all the time, then experience would rule the day. As it is, "youthful enthusiasm" (at its worst, a synonym for stupidity) often bowls over more experienced voices.

As my dad used to say, you won't believe the stove is hot just because your parents' told you so. You have to burn your hands yourself.

Marshall Received on Tue Oct 26 2004 - 15:15:31 CEST

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