Re: Separate foreign keys with shared ID space

From: Erland Sommarskog <>
Date: Sun, 1 Aug 2004 22:07:56 +0000 (UTC)
Message-ID: <Xns953911016C26Yazorman_at_127.0.0.1>

Howard J. Rogers ( writes:
> You are merely confirming my point. That the decision on whether natural
> or synthetic keys should be used depends upon a proper understanding of
> the business rules to be used. Which is a far cry from whoever it was
> who posted that 'primary keys should NEVER have a business meaning'. It
> doesn't sound like that was you, based on the content of this reply of
> yours... therefore, I think it safe to say we agree.

That is true, that our positions does not seem to on separate ends of the universe like the people who are making these two kinds of incompatible statements:

  1. Primary keys should ALWAYS be natural keys (and verifiable, whatever that means, according to Celko).
  2. Primary keys should NEVER have any business meaning.

I agree that neither of these positions are tenable, but my position is a lot more closer to 2, and if you replace NEVER with NORMALLY. However, the interpretation of 2 may need some modification.

Basically we can identitfy four kinds of keys:

  1. Natural keys defined by some other system, like a person identification number, an ISIN code for a financial instrument, or a currency code.
  2. Natural keys defined by our own system. A customer opens an account with a financial institution, and this account gets an account number which is defined by our system. The account number is exposed, used by the users, and can be fed to or from external systems.
  3. Completely synthetic keys, which are not exposed to the user, and which used internally. Often they go in parallel with some alternate key, (which may be a semi-unique key, and thus not a real key in the RDBMS sense.)
  4. A composite which is composed by keys from other tables, which may of any of the other sort. This can in fact say be the same as A, even if all keys are surrogates in the original table.

Keys of type B are not really a problem. Neither are keys of type D really, although you can see developers who put IDENTITY keys in all their tables, even those where you have a good composite key. But these experience often have poor knowledge of database design. And for the statement that started this thread "no business meaning", and composite key which consists solely of the C type of keys does not violate this statement.

So when you use keys of type A? Well, above I had three examples:

  1. Persons. In some cases the person identifcation number can be used, but in many cases not. Many systems do B - that is they assign you a customer number, and may not even care about your person identification number. (Which you as a customer may appreciate, if you care about your privacy.) The system I work with do C - that is we don't expose the customer number, but the user finds a customer through the name or the person identification number, and the user will have to sort out the ambiguities. Most often they probably use the account number, though, and this is a B type of key. (A customer may have many accounts, and an account may have many onwers.)
  2. Financial instruments. This area is a complete mess, and anyone who would try to use a natural key would be in for a disaster. There are several competing global identification schemes, of which none is whole-covering. So we use an internal ID of type C, but requires the user to enter a unique name. (Names can change, and there are over 50 table referring to instruments, some of them biggies.) User can also use ISIN-code to find an instrument.
  3. Currency codes. Here it would be a folly to use a key of type C. There is a commonly used code for currency codes, and even if there are some people that don't obey them complete (The Brits seems think that there is something called UKP. There is not.), this is not a big issue. A country may change its currency, but then usually the value changes too. For instance Poland went from PLZ to PLN about 10 years ago. 1 PLN = 10000 PLZ, so this affects outstanding values.

And when in doubt - use C.

Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,

Books Online for SQL Server SP3 at
Received on Mon Aug 02 2004 - 00:07:56 CEST

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