Re: A Normalization Question

From: Ralph Becket <>
Date: 29 Jul 2004 18:17:38 -0700
Message-ID: <> (Neo) wrote in message news:<>...
> >... I will finally get the $1000 he still owes me!
> Please help Neo owe Hugo $1000 by using RM Sol#1 or #2 to create the
> hierarchal reports for the following without NULLs or redundancy:

I really don't know why I'm bothering even trying, but...

> Case1: God is the parent of an unnamed person. God is also the parent
> of second person with three names (string 'john', integer 100, decimal
> 3.14).

Table: individuals

individual ID


Table: Skolemised individuals (Neo: look up "Skolemisation")

individual ID


Table: Skolemised individuals disequalities

Skolemised individual ID individual ID

individual2                 individual3


Table: parent of

parent ID offspring ID

individual1 individual2
individual1 individual3

Table: names of individuals (string)

individual ID string name

individual1      "God"
individual3      "john"


Table: names of individuals (integer)

individual ID integer name

individual3 100

Table: names of individuals (float)

individual ID integer name

individual3 3.14

So now we have

(1) an individual named "God" is the parent of some individual
(2) an individual named "God" is the parent of some other individual
named variously as "john", 100, and 3.14

> Case2: john isa person. john's color is brown. mary isa person. mary's
> color is brown. brown is a person.

Table: names of people

person person's name

individual1    "john"
individual2    "mary"
individual3    "brown"


So far we have

(3) john is (the name of) a person
(4) mary is (the name of) a person
(5) brown is (the name of) a person

Table: colour of person

individual ID individual's colour

individual1      colour1
individual2      colour1


Table: names of colours

colour ID colour name

colour1 "brown"

And now we have
(6) a person named john is brown
(7) a person named mary is brown

  • Ralph
Received on Fri Jul 30 2004 - 03:17:38 CEST

Original text of this message