Re: OT - topposting

From: Christopher Browne <>
Date: 4 Jun 2004 13:42:53 GMT
Message-ID: <>

Martha Stewart called it a Good Thing when "Alan" <> wrote:
> I realize that bottom posting is the accepted netiquette.

No, "bottom posting" is as incorrect as "top posting."

> Anyway, could someone explain to me how bottom posting is better
> than top posting (aside from "that's what everyone does")? It seems
> to me that everyone must scroll all the way to the bottom to begin
> reading. This seems like a lot of wasted effort, and it you are on
> dial-up, time. I can see where bottopm posting makes sense if there
> is also in-line posting, as the flow is more logical, but I don't
> see the advantage otherwise.

The point is NOT to "bottom post" as the 'better way'; it is to:

  1. Quote properly, and
  2. Eliminate material that you are not commenting on.

Consider how people handle quotes in books, newspapers, and magazines.

They do NOT simply throw the entire quote source either at the top or bottom of their article.

They include what is being quoted, and make their comments nearby the quoted material. By putting the quoted material nearby the comments, that allows the gentle reader to have the appropriate context.

By _eliminating_ unnecessary material, there is no need to "scroll to the bottom."

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Received on Fri Jun 04 2004 - 15:42:53 CEST

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