Re: object algebra

From: Neo <>
Date: 26 Feb 2004 19:14:52 -0800
Message-ID: <>

> > > XDb1 has "amaterish" transitive closure
> > Why not show how amaterish it is by providing an alternate solution?
> but finding nearest common ancestor in a tree is trivial:

I can't tell by the provided 4 steps, if the alternate solution is more or less "amaterish".

> I'm not sure what exactly your challenge is:

  1. Model the data shown at The data is described quite accurately by sentences like "john isa person". The two figures show views of the final data as trees. There isn't much table-like data, so nothing was displayed in the grid. 1a) You don't have to model the relator "obeys" 1b) All tables must be NULL-less (XDb1's data is NULL-less). 1c) Data must be normalized (Don't normalize down to atomic symbols as XDb1 does, but normalize things like john, mary, fido, etc).
  2. Create a "Nearest Common Ancestor Report" for things in the command hierarchy. I have copied the report below from the webpage. The order of things can be different.

Common Ancestor Report for 'god'

ThingX	ThingY	CmnAnc	Dist
army	john	army	1
army	laptop1	army	2
army	fido	army	2
army	mary	army	1
army	trinity	god	2
army	luke	god	3
john	laptop1	john	1
john	fido	john	1
john	mary	army	2
john	trinity	god	3
john	luke	god	4
laptop1	fido	john	2
laptop1	mary	mary	1
laptop1	trinity	trinity	2
laptop1	luke	trinity	3
fido	mary	mary	1
fido	trinity	trinity	2
fido	luke	luke	1
mary	trinity	trinity	1
mary	luke	trinity	2
trinity	luke	trinity	1

Time elapsed: 15 msec

XDb1's representation/gui/code is generic enough so that someone else could enter a completely different hierarchy consisting of different things and yet the report would run properly. Your code/SQL should have a similar level of genericness. Received on Fri Feb 27 2004 - 04:14:52 CET

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