Re: Introducing PlayDB (The Model, The Language, The DBMS)

From: Seun Osewa <>
Date: 11 Oct 2003 11:11:38 -0700
Message-ID: <>


I guess maybe my approach to the whole "PlayDB" issue has been wrong, as Christopher Browne said, and a newsgroup is not the best place. Probably I should be at a corner somewhere working on the ideas and like Patrick O'Brien only come here occasionaly to announce milestones, get the already developed ideas reviewed, etc.

How do you suppose I could get *one* person who is free for the discussion of such ideas? Tip:

A programming partner once told me "all you want to do is work on ideas and I do not have the time" and we had to part ways. So i wonder if there is someone else here who would like to participate in this idea-feast with me in a private forum and use it as a means of _learning_ about the state of the art in database systems and perhaps come up with a plan for implementing a DBMS (if and only if we find reaso to go in that direction?)

To Lee Fesperman: Sadly the only way I get to learn things like this (which I am, by the way, certainly not encouraged to learn in the country I am based cause there is no money involved) is to put myself under the impression that I am _doing_ something special with the knowledge. Typically, the "something special" would be found to have been implemented by someone else and there would be no need to do it and the knowledge would remain.

I believe I am not the only one in this group who thinks this way. Does anyone want to come to a private forum to discuss a model for data management systems?

Having said all this, you guys have been wonderful in answering straightforward enquiries and with the slightest encouragement I will keep posting new thoughts that come to mind for criticism/review (that is the whole point).

Seun Osewa :-( Received on Sat Oct 11 2003 - 20:11:38 CEST

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