Re: A neutral challenge.

From: Lauri Pietarinen <>
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2003 08:22:24 +0300
Message-ID: <>

Peter Koch Larsen wrote:

>In my native language, calendar is spelled "kalender" and I presume
>the same is the case for you.
It's 'kalenteri' in Finnish.

>Your solution shows that somehow intervals of some sort would be nice
>to have in a RDBMS.... which I already knew.
>One slight surprise is that you did not return a D-language solution
>(perhaps Alphora). My uneducated guess would be that they would have
>some solution to make the result more generic.
I thought I'll stick to a system that can be easily verified.

>10 minute intervals
>seem sensible when we are talking about people calendArs, but what if
>we were to adopt the solution to some similar problem (getting hold of
>an assembly line of some kind springs to mind - or the simulation of a
>microprocessor where you would need e.g. two ALU's and a locked bus -
>10 minute intwervals are certainly inappropriate here).
Yes, this solution would probably not scale to such levels. But if you have something more spesific
in mind I'll give it a try!

Lauri Received on Thu Jun 26 2003 - 07:22:24 CEST

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