Re: Nested Sets Insertion

From: --CELKO-- <>
Date: 10 May 2003 20:16:24 -0700
Message-ID: <>

>> INSERT and UPDATE statements that can append a child to a node and
update the left and right values of the affected nodes. <<

The nested set model has an implied ordering of siblings which the adjacency list model does not. To insert a new node, G1, under part G.  We can insert one node at a time like this:

DECLARE rightmost_spread INTEGER;

SET rightmost_spread

  • (SELECT rgt FROM Frammis WHERE part = 'G'); UPDATE Frammis SET lft = CASE WHEN lft > rightmost_spread THEN lft + 2 ELSE lft END, rgt = CASE WHEN rgt >= rightmost_spread THEN rgt + 2 ELSE rgt END WHERE rgt >= rightmost_spread;

 INSERT INTO Frammis (part, lft, rgt)
 VALUES ('G1', rightmost_spread, (rightmost_spread + 1));  COMMIT WORK;
END; The idea is to spread the lft and rgt numbers after the youngest child of the parent, G in this case, over by two to make room for the new addition, G1. This procedure will add the new node to the rightmost child position, which helps to preserve the idea of an age order among the siblings.

To convert a nested sets model into an adjacency list model:

SELECT B.emp AS boss, P.emp
  FROM OrgChart AS P

       OrgChart AS B
       ON B.lft
          = (SELECT MAX(lft)
               FROM OrgChart AS S
              WHERE P.lft > S.lft
                AND P.lft < S.rgt);
Received on Sun May 11 2003 - 05:16:24 CEST

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