How to Implement Versioned Rows?

From: Alan Gutierrez <>
Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2003 19:11:05 GMT
Message-ID: <dxkS9.139914$>

My application is gathering personel and patient data for a hospice. It must keep track of all changes to patient stats, chart, and med sheet over time. Therefore, I would like to keep versions of the rows in many of my tables.

This is my stab at a PostgreSQL implementation. I would greatly appreciate any input, criticisms, dire warnings, etc.

I plan on adding a transaction table with a transaction_id column fed by a sequence. The transaction_id will indicate the order of creation as well as time of creation.

create table firm (                 -- firm => hospice, clinic, hospital
     firm_id integer not null,
     name varchar(32),               -- Just one example data column
     primary key (firm_id)


create table transaction (

     firm_id integer not null,
     transaction_id integer not null, -- Fed by sequence, one for each firm so
                                      -- we can part and merge databases by
                                      -- firm without collision!
     modified timestamp not null,
     modified_by person_id not null,
     primary key (firm_id, transaction_id),
     foreign key (firm_id) references firm
create table person_history (           -- Base for patient and employee
     firm_id integer not null,
     person_id integer not null,
     transaction_id integer not null,
     first_name varchar(32),             -- Just two example data columns
     last_name varchar(32) not null,
     deleted boolean not null,
     primary key (firm_id, person_id, transaction_id)


create view person as
select *

   from person_history
  where transaction_id = ( -- In explain this subselect appears to use index!

            select max(transaction_id)
              from person_history as ph1
             where firm_id = ph1.firm_id
               and person_id = ph1.firm_id

    and deleted = 0
-- Time travel view.
create view person_as_of as
select *

   from person_history
  where transction_id = (

            select max(transaction_id)
              from person_history as ph1
             where firm_id = ph1.firm_id
               and person_id = ph1.firm_id
               and transaction_id <= (
                       select transaction_id
                         from past_transaction
                        limit 1

    and deleted = 0


In my application I can travel in time thus:

create temporary table past_transaction as select transaction_id

   from transaction
  where modified <= '2002/12/2 17:59:00' -- the minute I turned 31   order by firm_id desc, transaction_id desc,   limit 1
-- If only I could pass the view a parameter! select * from person_as_of



Thank you all for any input whatsoever.

Alan Gutierrez Received on Mon Jan 06 2003 - 20:11:05 CET

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