SQL and First Order Logic/ILP

From: Majid Salim <phoenix_equation_at_yahoo.com>
Date: 8 Jul 2002 19:45:04 GMT
Message-ID: <Xns9245D3858528Aphobosanomaly_at_130.133.1.4>


Can an SQL query be considered a first - order logical expression?

I believe it can, because the following LP expression for classifying oranges:

   class(+) :- shape(S, round), colour(C, orange)

   (where S and C are variables I supply)

is equivalent to the SQL query :

   select * from fruit
   where shape = 'round' and colour = 'orange'

But I'm not 100% sure because my maths/understanding of ILP is not very good, and I'm a bit out of my depth. So I may be wrong. Any help would be gratefully appreciated.


Majid Received on Mon Jul 08 2002 - 21:45:04 CEST

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