Organizing data into tables from flat file source

From: sm <>
Date: 15 Apr 2002 13:26:29 -0700
Message-ID: <>

I've been given a large excel sheet from which to create a database. There are large amounts of duplicate data and I'd like to try and organize the data in the best way possible.

The current files are: University, Department, Division, Address, Contact, Phone.

A University always has least one and may have several Departments, and a Department may or may not have a Division or several Divisions. A Department may have its own address, and a Division within a Department may have a completely different address -- and I need both addresses.

Below are my ideas on how I see the data being organized, but I'm very new to this and would really appreciate some feedback on errors, and/or needed corrections.


tblUniversity ( ID[pk], Univerity )
tblDepartment ( ID[pk], UniversityID[fk], Department ) tblDivision ( ID[pk], DepartmentID[fk], Division )

tblAddress( ID[pk], DepartmentID[fk], DivisionID[fk], Address1, Address2, etc. )
tblContact( ID[pk], DepartmentID[fk], DivisionID[fk], Name, Tel, Fax, etc. ) Received on Mon Apr 15 2002 - 22:26:29 CEST

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