Re: Units of Measurement in the Database Model

From: --CELKO-- <>
Date: 12 Apr 2002 08:58:16 -0700
Message-ID: <>

>> How should the database be organized in regards to measurements
recorded, and the units of measurement (UOM) used to record them? <<

I devoted a chapter to scales and measurements in my book DATA & DATABASES; it might help.

I like to have one and only one UOM for a column inside the database, and then use VIEWs to display it in "customary units" for humans who all seem to have different customs. So the database is in kilograms and the screen is in pounds & ounces, but the American don't know this. The exception is when the UOM has a well-understood name, such as the 'A' series paper sizes, that does not translate well. Quick, in your head do the math and tell me how big is an A4 sheet in inches!  Arrrgh! Received on Fri Apr 12 2002 - 17:58:16 CEST

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