Re: Unknown SQL

From: Joe Cosby <>
Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2001 16:19:58 GMT
Message-ID: <>

"Carl Rosenberger" <> hunched over a computer, typing feverishly;
thunder crashed, "Carl Rosenberger" <> laughed madly, then wrote:

>There is one exception here:
>Statements for mass updates have no means to resolve locking conflicts.

That doesn't really have anything to do with knowing or not knowing SQL, it's just something that bothers you about SQL.

And it is an implementation issue.

It would be SQL's job to provide a language to phrase the desired transaction to the database system with. It's the underlying database's job to handle concurrency.

The idea of an abstract language like SQL is to remove underlying issues like that from the programmer.

Granted, in practice, the systems don't necessarily always honor this.

Joe Cosby
You know how dumb the average guy is? Well by definition, half of them are
even dumber than that."
J.R. "Bob" Dobbs
Sig by Kookie Jar 5.98d
Received on Sun Jul 22 2001 - 18:19:58 CEST

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