Re: Need help with design of database (SQL)

From: Brian Inglis <>
Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2001 23:31:09 GMT
Message-ID: <>

On 15 Jun 2001 01:49:54 GMT, wrote:

>I need some help for the design of a database.
>Lets think of a database with two tables:
>1. Table: Person
>PID: Persons ID
>PName: Name of Person
>| Table Person |


>|PID | PName |
>| 1 | Paul |
>| 2 | Peter |
>| 3 | Mary |
>2. Table: Attributes
>PID: Persons ID (as in table Person)
>ASource: source of attributes
>AName: name of an attribute
>AValue: value for attribute
>| Table Attributes |

>|PID | ASource | AName | AValue |
>| 1 | INFO1 | sex | male |
>| 1 | INFO1 | age | 42 |
>| 1 | INFO2 | hobbies | golf |
>| 1 | INFO2 | hobbies | cars |
>| 2 | INFO1 | sex | male |
>| 2 | INFO1 | age | 33 |
>| 3 | INFO1 | sex | female |
>| 3 | INFO1 | age | 82 |
>| 3 | INFO2 | hobbies | paragliding|
>| 3 | INFO2 | hobbies | cars |
>| 3 | INFO2 | pets | dog |
>This is the design so far. Normally the attributes in the table Attributes
>would be fields in the table Person. I decided to have them in a seperate
>table because I often have multiple values for an attribute. Second: with the
>time the number of attributes will grow when new attributesources with 50 or
>100 attributes have to be stored into the database. This will be often enough.
>Actually I am quite happy with the design so far, but I have one big problem:
>Most of the time I want to query the database like this:
>Give me all persons (PIDs) who are INFO1->sex=male and whose INFO2->hobbies are
>golf and cars.
>Give me all persons (PIDs) who (INFO1->age>=20 and INFO1->age<=40) and
>(INFO2-hobbies=cars or INFO2->hobbies=golf or INFO2->pets=cats)
>The condition could contain as many attributes as necessary to define the
>desired group of people.
>So, if the database design I chose is ok, how do I write the SQL-Queries?
>If not: How should I design such a database?
>I would be glad for any helpful comments.

ASource seems to depend only on AName, so the pairs should really be in a separate table, not stored redundantly in Attrubutes.

Thanks. Take care, Brian Inglis Calgary, Alberta, Canada

-- 	(Brian dot Inglis at SystematicSw dot ab dot ca)
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Received on Sun Jul 22 2001 - 01:31:09 CEST

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