Mermory use

From: R. Groot Beumer <>
Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2001 23:33:05 GMT
Message-ID: <Kof07.172415$>


I've made a database which updates, adds en deletes a great ammount of data. To make a more step-wise approach possible I used a temporary table where the data is put into and adjusted (through several queries). After that the correct data is send to the correct table and the values in the temp-table are deleted. Because the data (about 7000 rows a time) will be updated frequently, the databasesize grows quickly. After a double update (read values from an extern source) session the database size has grwon from 4 to over 140 MB.
I now the best way to reduce size is to Compact the database. But is there a syntax in VBA to automaticly do this after the reading proces (while being in the program). My second question is: Is this a save sollution. My experience is that the compacting
My experience with compacting such a large database is not very good. Many times the computer just runs dead while compacting (perhaps because of other running programs).

How comes the database doesn't reduce (much) in size while deleting a great ammount of data.

Thanx for any help.

Remco (Holland) Received on Sun Jul 22 2001 - 01:33:05 CEST

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