Database Object Orientation

From: Robert Klemme <>
Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2001 18:01:01 GMT
Message-ID: <>

Carl Rosenberger schrieb:

> Mikito Harakiri wrote:
> > Robert Martin on comp.object admitted that OODBMS is no more than
> > persistent storage of nested structures.

> No, that is not true.
> Object databases also use indices to organize data for efficient queryi

going back to this more recent post in the thread: mikito HAS the point that in order to be "true" OO the functionality is missing in the database. the "binding" to some implementation class's code is always done outside the database. ideally the code of the classes would reside inside the database as well as the pure data.

i concede that this is a bit philosophical and maybe the solution is, to ask ourselfes what does "OO" mean in the context of databases? "OO" has been used in several domains, including programming languages, methodologies, design etc. from what i observe the term "OO" in the context of databases is used for a persistent storage of objects' data, or a bit more specific "persistent storage of nested structures".

(ignoring indices and all the other stuff that is needed to get it going which i consider implementation details for the moment.)




Robert Klemme
Software Engineer
myview technologies GmbH & Co. KG
Riemekestra? 160 ~ D-33106 Paderborn ~ Germany
Telefon: +49/5251/69090-321 ~ Fax: +49/5251/69090-399
Received on Sat Jul 21 2001 - 20:01:01 CEST

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