Re: Clean Object Class Design -- What is it?

From: Lee Fesperman <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 17:50:56 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Forwarded response from Fabian Pascal...

Bob Badour wrote:
> Steve Wart wrote in message ...
> >What should be used for a primary key in a relational design? Is it better
> >to use real-world values (e.g. SSN, although this would only work for US
> >employees) or is it better to generate a key?
> Fabian Pascal once posted a comprehensive list of primary key selection
> criteria. I believe there were five elements to it, but I am not sure
> whether I remember it correctly:
> Familiarity, Simplicity, Size, Generality, Stability ? I just cannot
> remember whether that's the list; although, at the moment, it seems close to
> me but perhaps not completely correct. (If Lee is watching, maybe he can ask
> Fabian for a refresher.)

UNDERSTANDING RELATIONAL DATABASES p.48: familiarity, stability, minimality, simplicity.

> >Does the RDBMS always create an index on a primary key to ensure
> uniqueness?
> Primary keys ensure uniqueness with or without an index. Some products
> automatically create an index as a general performance enhancement. Some
> products consider the table broken if it has a primary key and no index. One
> should note, however, that indexes will actually reduce performance for
> extremely small tables.

PK ought to ensure uniqueness with and without an index, but I am not aware of any product which does not implement PKs by indexing.

> >How is generating a key better than the ODBMS equivalent of a
> >system-generated Oid?
> The non-relational ODBMS always creates the OID and requires one to use the
> OID whereas the relational ODBMS allows one to use a familiar key when
> available and appropriate.
> The OID approach encourages designers to ignore other identifying
> attributes, which can sometimes lead to disastrous duplication.

OIDs, unlike PKs, they are not values, but pointers. Logical ones, but pointers nevertheless, with all the drawbacks.

Fabian Pascal,
Received on Fri Jul 20 2001 - 02:50:56 CEST

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