Test in 16 Hours, This is it.

From: MadG <patrick4133_at_hotmail.com>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 03:07:22 GMT
Message-ID: <Krfs6.47141$p66.14761335_at_news3.rdc1.on.home.com>

OK, Test is in less than 15 hours!! Do you feel the excitement? I have Goosebumps!

This is what I've got. I like it, but I am not ready to go into battle yet.

TEXTBOOK ( isbn[pk], bookname, author, aff_num[fk to affiliate], year, cost, subject )
I am going to assume that a book is only represented in one subject

PUBLISHER (pub_num[pk], pub_name, contact, web_address, last_contact_date,)

AFFILIATE (aff_num[pk], pub_num[fk to publisher], aff_name)

SUPPLEMEMTS (isbn[fk to textbook] , supplement[composite pk])

BOOKFEATURE (book_feature, isbn[fk to textbook][composite pk of isbn/ bookfeature], weight )
this sits at many to many, so i need a composite (bridge entity).

EVALUATIONS (isbn[fk to textbook], book_feature[fk to weights][composite pk], score )
I am also considering putting the actual features as attributes. As we are allowed some
assumptions, I would like to assume that only these features will be evaluated. Unless
this creates a problem I don't see? I want to do this because I don't like the chance of
error or the repetitiveness (is that spelled right?) of having the features repeated over...

I see that the relationship is m to m. And I really don't see how a bridge entity would be constructed.

Could I do this instead? The problem is that these composite pk keep popping up.

BOOKFEATURE (book_feature, isbn [fk][composite pk], weight, score) It doesn't have that feel of pride I attatch to things I feel good about, you know?

But I don't see how else to attack it.

And this part is only worth 20% of the mid-term.

My problem is that I feel that everything is worth 100%. It's not a bad way to go,

Thanks again,

Eat, Drink and be Merry...

For tomorrow we may die........................
Received on Fri Mar 16 2001 - 04:07:22 CET

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