CFP: Distributed Objects and Applications'01

From: Fabio Kon <>
Date: 02 Mar 2001 10:16:49 -0300
Message-ID: <>


If you are interested in Distributed Objects Technology, please read the following.

Are you building applications using distributed object computing (DOC)? Are you doing research in fundamental technology, methodology or new tools for DOC? Are you using some of the existing distributed object systems?

Consider contributing a practice report or a research paper to this innovative event, and to present, discuss and obtain feedback for your ideas among other practitioners and researchers active in the same area.

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                         C A L L   F O R   P A P E R S
____  __   __     __
 | | |  | |  | / |  ||        International Symposium on
_|_| |__| |  |   |__||     Rome, Italy, September 18-20, 2001
                          Proceedings published by IEEE Press


     Electronic (paper) submission:     April 1st, 2001
     Notification of acceptance:        May 20th, 2001
     Camera-ready copies:               June 10th, 2001
     Symposium:                         September 18-20, 2001

CONTEXT  DOA is a symposium about the recent advances in Distributed  Object Computing (DOC). It has been successfully organised  during 1999 (Edinburgh) and 2000 (Antwerp). You may found more  details about these symposiums at .../1999

 DOA'2001 follows the same tradition as the precedent symposiums.  We want attendees to be able to evaluate existing ORB middleware  systems; to analyse, and propose solutions to major limitations of  existing systems; and to indicate promising future research directions  for distributed objects. We are seeking RESEARCH (theory,  fundamentals, principles of DOC) and PRACTICAL (applications,  experience, pragmatics of DOC) papers. Contributions attempting  to cross over the gap between these two dimensions will, of course, be  especially welcome.

 Finally, we are glad to announce that the following experts will be  running tutorials at DOA'01 Symposium:

        Sean Baker (Iona)
        Santosh Shrivastava (University of Newcastle)
        Bran Selic (Rational Software)
        Douglas Schmidt (University of California at Irvine)

SUBMISSIONS   Details about submissions can be found at

Fabio Kon
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
University of São Paulo
Received on Fri Mar 02 2001 - 14:16:49 CET

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