Re: Applicants and Subtypes

From: Carl C. Federl <cfederl_at_mediaone.net_removethis>
Date: 2000/02/09
Message-ID: <uI3o4.4001$84.209574_at_elnws01>#1/1

IMHO, There appears to be two changes I would make to the schema:

  1. Add a super-type of "Persons" with Students as one of the sub-types
  2. Inquiry and apply should not be sub-types but rather characteristics of Persons

The resulting schema is:

Persons ( id , last_name, first_name, middle_name, <additional person information>) pk = id
Students (id , <student only information>) pk = id

Inquiry (id, inquiry_date, etc,) pk = id and inquiry_date Apply (id, apply_date, term (fk), status (fk), country_of_birth, etc.) pk = id and apply_date

Some additional interesting question are: 1) Is Student a sub-type of Person or a relationship between the University or College and a Person ?
2) What happens when a Person is an Employee, a Student and a Teacher ? Make a non-exclusive sub-type ?

	Either all at the same time, overlapping in time, or sequentially?
3)	What happens if a Student takes a sabatical.

Based on the answer to these questions, it is probable that Student is a time sensitive associative entity between Person and University.

Much to think about.

Carl C. Federl Received on Wed Feb 09 2000 - 00:00:00 CET

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