Re: Theoretically best search algorihtms

From: Gene Wirchenko <>
Date: 2000/01/16
Message-ID: <>#1/1

Thomas-Milius <> wrote:

>Could anyone give me the solution or a hint where to find
>the solution of following problem.
>If you have datasets inside a DB with datafields and you
>want to search your sets by the contents of one or more
>fields (eg SELECT ... WHERE ...). What are the best known
>algorithms to do such a search in a fast way? Solution
>is simple if you build an index for one field, even
>at more fields. But all this solutions have the disadvantage
>that you must know which fields will be searched in future.
>If there is only one field missing inside a multi field
>index, I am thinking this index can't be used at fast search.
>Of course you can generate an index for each cobinations
>of fields, but this would cause an exponential number of

     Microsoft Visual FoxPro has Rushmore which will optimize such searches. You don't have to have indexes, but they certainly speed things up. If you are missing an field index or two, Rushmore will do what it can with what indexes are available. (If you have all of the fields properly indexed, it is faster.)

>Example table:
> Name Surname City Age
>1. Thomas Milius Stade 32
>2. Thomas Miller London 20
>3. Peter Miller Cambridge 25
>Example Queries:
>1. Who has the Name = Thomas (Simple: build Index on "Name")
>2. Who has the Name = Thomas and Surname = Miller and lives
> in City = London (Simple: build multi field index on
> "Name", "Surname" and "City")
>1. + 2. can be done in log(n) by binary search of the
>according index.
>3. Who has the Name = Thomas and lives in City = Stade
>Index on "Name" is the same as using index on "Name",
>"Surname" and "City". Because "Surname" is undetermined
>binary search will reduce the possible results to datasets
>1. and 2.. This datasets will have to be searched set by set
>on the value of "City". Of course there would be the possibility
>to create a third index. But at bigger tables this could
>increase the number of indexes in an inacceptable way.
>What is the best theoretical solution to this problem?
>How are good database managing this problem?

     VFP has Rushmore. I'd be surprised if other good DBMSs didn't have something similar. To me, this is really a DBMS level issue though you might be able to kludge something at the app level if you had to.


Gene Wirchenko

Computerese Irregular Verb Conjugation:

     I have preferences.
     You have biases.
     He/She has prejudices.
Received on Sun Jan 16 2000 - 00:00:00 CET

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