HELP - Export/Import with version 8.05

From: Julie Warden <>
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2007 23:08:06 GMT
Message-ID: <Xns98AEB87AC2DABjuliewarden_at_140.99.99.130>


I'm running Oracle 8.05 with Solaris 6.

I have a database with several schemas, and I want to create a test schema from one of the other ones. I'm having a problem with my export/import procedures.

I created the schema:
grant connect,resource to tst identified by tst; grant DBA to tst;
revoke unlimited tablespace from tst;
alter user tst default tablespace TST quota unlimited on TST; alter user tst temporary tablespace temp; grant create public synonym to tst;
grant drop public synonym to tst;
grant create user to tst;
grant drop user to tst;

Exported from prod with a table list:
exp userid=prod/prod parfile=tables.lst file=prod.exp

Then imported for the tst user
imp userid=tst/tst fromuser=prod touser=tst parfile=tables.lst file=prod.exp

The import gives this:
IMP-00003: ORACLE error 1950 encountered ORA-01950: no privileges on tablespace SYSTEM Then it shows my CREATE TABLE statement.

This repeats for every table that needs to be created, then you get the errors that the table doesn't exist when you try to load the data.

Naturally, I looked up all the exp/imp info I could, but no mention of granting access to create tables when you're loading into your own tablespace. I assume that my import, with all it's references to tst, is using the tst tablespace, right?

Can some kind soul please explain this to me? Other than pointing out that I didn't grant privileges to tst on the SYSTEM tablespace: I know that much.

Julie Received on Fri Jan 05 2007 - 00:08:06 CET

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