Re: Granting the privileges of existing objects within a schema to a new role

From: Bob Murphy <>
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2004 19:41:19 -0500
Message-ID: <>

Ted wrote:
> How do I grant all privileges for a schema that has a large number of
> existing tables, procedures, functions, etc to a newly created role,
> without having to issue a grant statement for each object and each
> privilege? I want the role to have all of the rights of the schema
> owner.
> Is there any kind of blanket granting of all privileges to a role?

  • Try something like: rem This script performs dynamic granting of tables,views,sequences to rem users/roles/PUBLIC. This script needs to be run as the owner rem of the objects you are granting to.

rem s_user - List of users/roles to grant to. Can be comma seperated.

set verify off
set pause off
set doc off
set heading off

accept s_user prompt 'Enter USERNAME,ROLE, or PUBLIC to grant to : '


show user

prompt 'Granting SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE only to &s_user' prompt


         l_sql varchar2(254);
         cursor_id integer;
         result integer;

         l_target_user varchar2(80) := '&s_user';

cursor get_tab is
     select table_name from user_tables ;

cursor get_view is
     select view_name from user_views;

cursor get_seq is
     select sequence_name from user_sequences;

BEGIN cursor_id:=dbms_sql.open_cursor;

/* Tables first */

FOR tab_rec in get_tab LOOP

    l_sql := 'grant select,insert,update,delete on '||tab_rec.table_name||' to '||l_target_user;

    result := dbms_sql.execute(cursor_id);

END LOOP; /* Views */

FOR view_rec in get_view LOOP

    l_sql := 'grant select,insert,update,delete on '||view_rec.view_name||' to '||l_target_user;

    result := dbms_sql.execute(cursor_id);

END LOOP; /* Sequences */

FOR seq_rec in get_seq LOOP

    l_sql := 'grant select on '||seq_rec.sequence_name||' to '||l_target_user;

    result := dbms_sql.execute(cursor_id);

END LOOP; dbms_sql.close_cursor(cursor_id);


  • add loops for each type (e.g., packages, etc.)
Received on Thu Sep 16 2004 - 02:41:19 CEST

Original text of this message