Creating a table in Oracle DB if it does not exist, using SQL

From: google_user <>
Date: 13 Sep 2004 05:24:30 -0700
Message-ID: <>


I need to create a table in Oracle DB using SQL before which I need to check if it exists or not, where the dbuser will have CONNECT and RESOURCE privileges granted.

All this needs to be in a .sql file so that it can be included in the release.

I tried writing a Stored Procedure using DBMS_SQL.parse etc., but looks like, the above stated privileges are not enough. Is there a way that serves my purpose without anymore privileges given ?

If someone can take time to write a running sample and send me, I would be Grateful.

Chaitanya. Received on Mon Sep 13 2004 - 14:24:30 CEST

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