Re: Problem trying to update a record with a value returned by a function

From: Bob M <>
Date: 12 Feb 2004 20:21:21 -0800
Message-ID: <>

> Bob, verify that the table column type and the function return type
> are the same or add the necessary explicit conversion.
> You show that the function returns the expected value, but does the
> subquery return the expected value.
> Also by blank, do you mean NULL?
> HTH -- Mark D Powell --


Thanks for the reply.

The column datatype and the function return both have a DATE datatype.

The subquery returns a OBJid. I have tried substituting the OBJid value for the subquery

    set SCF_SCDATE2 = SLA_PENDING_DATE.GET_DL(2292,'servicecall')      where SCF_SER_OID = 281479223967745;

but same result.
And finally the SCF_SCDATE2 field is null not blank (sorry for the slip there).

I thought I read somewhere on the Net about a restriction on calling a PL/SQL function or procedure within an insert or update statement. Any idea if this is true?

Bob Received on Fri Feb 13 2004 - 05:21:21 CET

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