Re: trigger puzzlement

From: <Kenneth>
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2004 20:40:14 GMT
Message-ID: <>

Hi Mike,

Please post the exact ORA- error message next time.

I tried to recreate, and I got the error below, which I belive you got too. But it has nothing to do with locks.

ORA-01403: no data found
ORA-06512: ved "A.AUROW_GRID_CLONE", linje 6
ORA-04088: fejl under udf°relse af triggeren 'A.AUROW_GRID_CLONE'

Which means that your intitial check returns no row => no data found to put into v_exists => exception is raised. This is the expected behaviour.

What you need to do is to catch that exception and handle it appropriately. You could also make your check more readable (and even prettier), like this :

select 1
  into dummy_var
 from test.t2
where trunc(last_date) = trunc(sysdate); --today and cmdy = :new.cmdy_sym;

  • No exception, There was exactly one row, do the update here exception when no_data_found then
    • there was no record for today, do the insert here. when too_many_rows then
    • Something went terribly wrong ! raise; end;
      • Kenneth Koenraadt

On Thu, 12 Feb 2004 14:52:18 -0500, "Mike Stenzler" <> wrote:

>This may be obvious, but I don't write many triggers so it's got me
>Row level, after update trigger is designed to perform an insert or update
>to a 2nd table based on existance of a record in the 2nd table.
>t1 is updated and has trigger, whenever an update happens, it inserts or
>updates a record in t2. If there has already been an insert "today" (using
>SYSDATE w/ timestamp stripped out) we perform an update on t2, otherwise we
>Problem is code works fine if we comment out the check for existance and
>just insert records. code works OK if there is an existing record and we
>perform an update. However - if we check for existance and there is no
>record, instead of inserting, we come up with an error saying we can't
>perform an update - another process has a lock.
>,GV NUMBER(6,2)
>declare v_exists VARCHAR2(6) :='FALSE';
>-- test if record has already been inserted today
>select 'TRUE' into v_exists from DUAL where EXISTS
> (select * from test.t2
> where last_change = TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE(), 'MM-DD-YYYY'),'MM-DD-YYYY')
> and cmdy = :new.cmdy_sym
> );
>if (v_exists = 'TRUE') then
> update test.t2
> set gv = :new.zone1
> where last_change = TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE(),
> and cmdy = :new.cmdy_sym;
> insert into test.t2
> ( last_change, cmdy, gv )
> values
> (
> :new.cmdy_sym,
> :new.zone1
> );
>end if;
>Any ideas as to whart I'm doing wrong?
Received on Thu Feb 12 2004 - 21:40:14 CET

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