Re: Stored procedure that returns a recordset?

From: Robert C <>
Date: 16 Aug 2003 12:08:34 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Based on 0040 (Oracle Object for OLE)(i only use M$ stuff for GUI things...and only when I have to)

You will have VB call the stored procedure to pass a "ref cursor" parametr back.

create or replace package foo
type rcur is ref cursor ;
procure rctest (p_rc in out rcur, p_table in varchar2 default 'emp') ; end;

create or replace package body foo
procure rctest (p_rc in out rcur, p_table in varchar2 default 'emp') is
  l_dynamic_sql varchar2(1000) := 'select * from ' || p_table ; begin
  open p_rc for select * from emp; --< Open a static sql   /*
  open p_rc for l_dynamic_sql ; --< Open a dynamic sql build on the fly

end rctest;


> I have a VB program that calls stored procedures in MS SQL Server that
> deliver a recordset. I need to do the same thing with Oracle. Following is
> a simple SQL Server procedure that does this. How do I do that with Oracle?
> CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_Level1
> _at_ClientDB varchar (30) = NULL,
> _at_LevelID1 varchar (8) = NULL
> AS
> Select * from tblLevel1
> where active='Y' and ClientDB=_at_ClientDB
> order by DisplayOrder
> return (0)
Received on Sat Aug 16 2003 - 21:08:34 CEST

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