Problem connecting to Oracle database using ASP

From: js <>
Date: 8 Jun 2003 20:49:16 -0700
Message-ID: <>

I have a test ASP page like the following. The IIS 5.0 and ORACLE 9i/Personal and the ASP all reside in my development machine. When browsed the ASP using IE6, the browser kept turning and eventually gave up. I created an ODBC DSN to test the connection using ODBC driver. The connection was successful. I also use VB6.0 SP1 to create a test project using the ODBC DSN and ORAOLDB. I also used the VB sample provided by Oracle in the OLEDB/SAMPLE/ directory. They all could connect to the ORACLE instance. I just can not get the ASP connection working. The same connection strings are used in all test.  Please help. Thanks.

<%option explicit%>
Response.Expires = -1 'expires immediately dim strCn, cn
dim strStatus         

'strCn = "Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=xxx;Password=xxx;Data Source=oracle"
strCn = "Provider=ORAOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=oracle;User ID=xxx; password=xxx"

set cn = server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection")

with cn
  .connectionString = strCn
end with

Select Case cn.State
  Case 1 'adStateOpen
    strStatus = "open"
  Case 0 'adStateClosed
    strStatus = "Closed"
  Case Else
    strStatus = "Other Status (" & cn.state & ")" End Select

response.write "Connection state: " & strStatus
Received on Mon Jun 09 2003 - 05:49:16 CEST

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