Re: Best approach to creating a snapshot

From: Tom van Stiphout <>
Date: Mon, 02 Jun 2003 21:59:50 -0700
Message-ID: <>

On 2 Jun 2003 21:28:46 -0700, (newtoSQLServer) wrote:

Actually, your timestamp approach will only increase the size linearly. If you REALLY need this functionality, it is not a bad approach.


>Hi all,
>I am new to Access and am working on a project where it is required
>that the user enters some inputs - uses the computation to get to the
>result - After
>viewing the result he/she may want to change the inputs as the result
>is not satisfactory. What I would like to do is to keep the old inputs
>along with the related data and let them modify the data. Once they do
>it if they are not satisfied and if they want to go back to their
>original inputs then they should be able to recall the earlier version
>of inputs by a name. What is the best way to do this - I have thought
>of having timestamp in the same database but if the users start
>changing things very often then it will increase the size of the
>database exponentially - if I create a copy of the database which will
>only store these snapshots then it would mean extra maintenance. Can
>you please help me?
>Thanks and Regards,
  Received on Tue Jun 03 2003 - 06:59:50 CEST

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