PL/SQL Cursor Control

From: Erwin <>
Date: Fri, 16 May 2003 02:33:53 GMT
Message-ID: <l6Ywa.67$>


I am new to PL/SQL using Oracle, and want to clarify something about the loop in PL/SQL.
Is it possible to have the following code in PL/SQL?

a%ROWTYPE -- a is a table obtained using select satement.

fetch a into cursor;
while (A%FOUND) loop

  • After executing the while loop below once, fetch the next row and check whether the first field is the same as the field of the previous row.If it is the same,
  • process the *while () loop* again, otherwise exit from the inner loop. while () loop -- What is the logic of the control expression here?

    if ...
    end if;

    fetch a into cursor;

    end loop;

end loop;

Thanks in advance for the comments and suggestions

Erwin Received on Fri May 16 2003 - 04:33:53 CEST

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