Call to an Oracle Stored Proc with a BLOB parameter from java fails if file > 32 K

From: Melroy <>
Date: 5 May 2003 16:55:13 -0700
Message-ID: <>


My application calls an oracle java stored proc: .........
conn = ds.getConnection();
cstmt = conn.prepareCall("{? = call lobmanager.savelob(?, ?, ?)}");cstmt.registerOutParameter(1, Types.VARCHAR);

cstmt.setString(3, lob_id);
cstmt.setString(2, token);	
cstmt.setBinaryStream(4, stream, stream.available());	

The Stored proc has the signature:
name 'LOBManager.saveLob(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, oracle.sql.BLOB)
return java.lang.String'......

The above code works for smaller (<32K) files, but fails on larger. (It even fails if the Stored proc is empty.)

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


Melroy Received on Tue May 06 2003 - 01:55:13 CEST

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