help with procedure

From: ben <>
Date: 3 May 2003 00:15:53 -0700
Message-ID: <>

I am writing a procedure in pl/sql (just learning it actually).

I had an algorithm all worked out in a T-SQL mindset, I figured "how different can oracle be?" Whoa!

here is the algorithim in T-SQL

curdate = getdate()
create #temp
get a cursor select name, time from a table while cursor has rows

    while curdate < targetdate

         insert into #temp values(curdate,,cursor.time)


select * from #temp

Its actually a bit more complex than that, but that is the essence.       

After a couple of days of hunting, this is what I figure I have to do in oracle.
The prodedure will look something like this: (psuedocode)

--declare TABLE varibles

TYPE tdate is TABLE of DATE
TYPE ttime is TABLE of DATE
TYPE tname is TABLE of VARCHAR2(20)

--make the prodedure

PROCEDURE returnValues (mydate OUT tdate, mytime OUT ttime,

                        myname OUT tname)


cursor, tempname, temptime
--make cursor that selects name, time from a table

WHILE cursor has rows

   tempname :=
   temptime := cursor.time

   WHILE curdate < target date

      mydate = curdate
      mytime = temptime
      myname = tempname
      increment date

END As you can see, I can't just simply return a REF CURSOR via a function, because I am basically creating rows in the second while loop.

so if the table looked like this:

name time

bob        3:00
jill       4:00

The result from the procedure might look like this:

date name time

4/27    bob       3:00
5/27    bob       3:00
4/31    jill      4:00
5/02    jill      4:00
5/04    jill      4:00

I am also having a problem with displaying the output values so that I can check them. In sqlplus, how can I print out the result of a procedure that returns multiple parameters of type table? I confess, I can't even get something like this to print out:

prodecure mysp (myout OUT NUMBER)


myout := 5;


Thank you for any help,

Ben Received on Sat May 03 2003 - 09:15:53 CEST

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