Re: Does it make sense to move this XML to a database?

From: Mike Sherrill <>
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2003 09:23:10 -0500
Message-ID: <>

On 30 Jan 2003 08:32:13 -0800, (Figz) wrote:

>We keep a list of error numbers which each map to a user-friendly text

Bless you.

>....and so on, for every error. This list is now in the hundreds of
>errors. We're starting to look at better ways to store and map these
>error codes.

My first thought was, "Why isn't this just plain text?" You can store a file like this under version control:

 1001::You entered an invalid email address.  1002::You entered a dollar amount less than zero.

And grep is your friend.

Use a couple of lines of awk or perl to generate whatever you need from it--XML (or just the error descriptor part), C or C++ header files, whatever.

>My questions are: Is it better to move this into a database table?

You gain some control over the data; you can even revoke most permissions on that table, and require all changes to go through the project librarian. (Years and years ago, I worked in a shop where only one person could write to the revision control system. I left before he took a vacation.) And you can add a table of "concepts", kind of like a cross-reference index. For error 1001, you might insert "invalid data", "mail", "email" and "address".

>At what point does the size of the xml file begin to degrade the

If your developers are inventing new error codes because the XML file is too big to deal with, I'd say you've passed that point, wherever it is. I recall reading that most programmers spend less than 30 seconds trying to find a function in the library before they start writing one themselves. YMMV; functions != error codes != XML.

>The problems with moving to a database table would
>· Time consuming to import all of them and make necessary database
>changes (Probably are a couple of ways to automate this though)

>· Will have to search and replace all existing use of error codes with
>calls to the database

Instead of search-and-replace, you can schedule a job that periodically writes a new text or XML file based on the contents of the table. You're really the only one who can gauge the impact.

>Suggestions for designing a better error code/description system would
>be greatly appreciated. Any tips on what you have done in your
>experiences would be great.

The design really depends on what the error codes are for. So what are they for? Front end app?

Mike Sherrill
Information Management Systems
Received on Fri Jan 31 2003 - 15:23:10 CET

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