problem with returning rows with null value

From: Xander Burchartz <>
Date: 19 Jul 2002 02:56:25 -0700
Message-ID: <>


I have a problem with returning rows with a null value using a parameter. I think it should be easy, but I am not able to create a correct query.

My query should return rows like:

prod_id prod_srce_id

1         AAA
2         BBB
4         DDD

I tried the following:

Select prod_id

      , prod_srce_id
from products

where prod_srce_id like nvl(p_prod_srce_id,'%')

However, in this case the query doesn't return the row with prod_id 3. Do I have to use the decode function? If so, how would it look like?

Thanks in advance,

Xander Received on Fri Jul 19 2002 - 11:56:25 CEST

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