Re: Oracle 8i query returning a negative age

From: Doug Windham <>
Date: 23 Jun 2002 17:07:38 -0700
Message-ID: <> wrote in message news:<>...
> When I run this query in 8i, it is returning a negative age. Here is
> the table structure:
> CREATE TABLE student
> (student_id NUMBER(6),
> student_last VARCHAR2(30),
> student_first VARCHAR2(30),
> student_mi CHAR(1),
> student_add VARCHAR2(25),
> student_city VARCHAR2(20),
> student_state CHAR(2),
> student_zip VARCHAR2(9),
> student_phone VARCHAR2(10),
> student_class CHAR(2),
> student_dob DATE,
> student_pin NUMBER(4),
> faculty_id NUMBER(6),
> CONSTRAINT student_student_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (student_id),
> CONSTRAINT student_faculty_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (faculty_id) REFERENCES
> faculty(faculty_id));
> Here is one of the records that were inserted:
> (100, 'Stalioraitis', 'Tamara', 'S', '144 Windridge Blvd.',
> 'Stillwater', 'NY', '12170', '5184371802', 'SR', TO_DATE('07/14/82',
> 'MM/DD/YY'), 8891, 1);
> Finally, here is the query:
> SELECT student_first, student_last, student_id, TRUNC((SYSDATE -
> student_dob)/365.25)
> FROM student
> WHERE student_class = 'SR';
> When I run this query, it returns the infomation with a negative age:
> ------------------------------ ------------------------------
> ----------
> -----------------------------------
> Tamara Stalioraitis
> 100
> -80
> Am I doing something wrong? I have the system date in my pc right.
> Thanks!
> John

The student_dob has the year as 2082. Please always use 4 digit dates.

See the results from the following query:

SELECT student_first, student_last, student_id, to_char(student_dob,'MM-DD-YYYY')
FROM student
WHERE student_class = 'SR'; Received on Mon Jun 24 2002 - 02:07:38 CEST

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