How can I estimate concurrent users?

From: Haden Peterson <>
Date: 2 May 2002 14:18:22 -0700
Message-ID: <>

I need to estimate how many concurrent users our system can service. Is there a technique or algorithm for determining this?

I know memory is important. Are there a few 'key' memory usage parameters I can check as a typical query is running and then just extrapolate upward from there?

What I know so far is:

  • Running Oracle 8i on an HP k570 - 6 cpu - 2GB memory
  • The queries will be read-only, and restricted so that an average query will return a relatively small dataset (e.g 200 rows of 200 bytes)

Any ideas of where I should start looking will be appreciated. TIA Received on Thu May 02 2002 - 23:18:22 CEST

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