Killing sessions

From: Kimbert Dy NIng <>
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 07:48:25 GMT
Message-ID: <djYu6.109161$>

When I check GV_$LOCKED_OBJECT, I can see that my process xx of session ID yy is locking my table. Given my SID, and SERIAL#, I try to kill that session (using ALTER system kill SESSION SID, SERIAL#) I can see that it is marked as killed but in my GV_$LOCKED_OBJECT, I can still that
it is still there. I'm guessing that even though I have killed the session, the resources/locks has not been released yet. Is there a way to force the release of my resource or table lock immediately ??

Thanks. Received on Sat Mar 24 2001 - 08:48:25 CET

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