PL/SQL question

From: Ben Newman <>
Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2001 19:54:16 GMT
Message-ID: <IVXg6.1003$>

Can any one tell me what I'm missing here? The following code causes the PL/SQL compiler (interpreter?) to complain that I have supplied an invalid table name. However, it appears as though the table name is valid when I examine the run-time variables.




   x varchar(255);
   y varchar(255);
   cursor c is

      select datasrcname, updqueuename
      from vl_datasrc;


   open c;

      fetch c into x,y;
      exit when c%NOTFOUND;
      execute immediate 'drop table :1' using x;
      execute immediate 'drop table :2' using y;
   end loop;
   close c;
end; Received on Fri Feb 09 2001 - 20:54:16 CET

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